Saumon à l’oseille is a popular French dish served in bistros across the country at this time of year when sorrel is...
February Recipe – Jerusalem Artichokes Three Ways
Jerusalem Artichokes Three Ways I had this as a starter at the Landgate Bistro in Rye and have tweaked it and cooked...
December Recipe – Winter warmer
A great winter warmer – Jerusalem artichoke soup.
November Recipe – Paula’s Butternut Squash Jalfrezi
Butternut Squash Jalfrezi Serves 4 This recipe is a favourite of Mary's friend Paula over on a visit from Ireland this...
October Recipe – Borlotti Bean Soup
This year I grew borlotti beans instead of runner beans and they have been magnificient! So pretty, abundant and...
September Recipe – pickled pears
What a year was 2011 for fruit, particularly apples and pears. Apples store better than pears and seem to be more...
August Recipe – Courgette, green beans and tomatoes
This month is when the produce really starts to take off and we get those duller days when we're sick of salad and...
July Recipe – Asparagus peas and mangetout
Up until now I have grown asparagus pea only because they look pretty. I was unsure how to cook them and found them a...