A hedgehog has been seen in the allotment this morning!
February in the Allotment
It's Wales in the allotment in February - mainly leeks and daffodils!
January in the Allotment
January in the allotment is always quiet, but here are some photos of new and existing life in the allotment.
New resident
Jan and Julie have discovered a new resident among the raised beds....
Open Day 2011
Our Open Day was held on Sunday 3rd July. The weather was glorious and although the turnout was disappointing those...
Better beetroot
Our secretary, Mary, has just lifted the most beautifully formed lush beetroot I've ever seen! Certain prizewinners...
New building taking shape …
The storage shed toilet facilities have now been completed and the water and drains connected. The landscaping has...
Smitham Show 2010
On 21 September Smitham Primary School held their first horticultural show in conjunction with Smitham Allotments...
Frank Jordan
We were saddened to lose one of our most respected members, Frank Jordan, when he passed away suddenly in the spring....